Dear Editor:
President Obama and Secretary of State Kerry are now spending the last few days of their administration complaining about Israeli settlements and extolling the virtues of a two-state solution.
Their time would be more usefully spent if they would translate for us what the Palestinian leaders are telling their people in Arabic, such as:
- Naming streets, buildings, and other facilities after their “martyrs” who have murdered innocent Israeli civilians.
- Paying families for the murderous acts which their “martyred” relatives committed.
- Inciting their people against Israel on TV, radio, the press, and Friday sermons.
- Informing us that the two other Palestinian parties, Hamas has a charter which is far worse than the PLO charter, and Fatah has a constitution which also calls for the destruction of Israel.
- The PLO fraudulently received land for peace with an absolute Oslo Palestinian commitment to amend their 1968 charter by annulling charter clauses calling for the destruction of Israel. Not one word of this charter has ever been changed.
Please type Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) into your computer, and you will be amazed with the English translations of what the Palestinian leaders are saying in Arabic about us and Israelis.
William K. Langfan
(This letter to the editor was written on 12/29/2016)